Well you have made a start - by now you should have lots of your ideas down on paper, ready to sort through and develop, but before you do this it's time to sit down and take stock of the style of wedding that you both actually hope to have.
Large or small, glamorous or quaint, near or far, family and all the children or really quiet and simple - what do you dream of? Write it down to remind you of the original plan - if you have a wee wobble from time to time along the way, come back to it and remind yourselves of the things that are important to you.
To go with this part of your planning, you also have to look at the inevitable budget. Let's be practical, sometimes what we dream of and what we can afford are slightly different - but this is what planning and creativity will help with, letting you achieve some of these goals as you go along without breaking the bank.
Be realistic, your budget and setting the date go hand in hand; how much are you prepared to spend and how long will it take you to save up (if necessary). Would you be happy with close friends and family in a small venue, or do you really want to splash out and have a day to be remembered?
With the cost of an average wedding rising rapidly, now is the time to decide of you want to go for a hotel, barn, back garden or even a lighthouse! Do some research, ask around and find out what the costs could be for your chosen venue.
Take your time and enjoy this part of your planning, it's a great chance to think outside of the box and decide how you can personalise your wedding to make a memorable day for everyone!